Write for us

Interested in contributing to SmartBrief Originals?

SmartBrief welcomes ideas for original editorial content from guest writers. If you’re interested to writing for us, follow the six easy steps below.

Step 1: Determine which vertical is right for you:

  • Education — Perspectives from educators and education thought leaders, edited by Kanoe Namahoe.
  • Finance — Finance thought leadership edited by Sean McMahon.
  • Food and Travel — New ideas from the world of food, edited by Tricia Contreras.
  • Leadership — Best practices for leaders, managers, HR professionals and career experts, edited by Candace Chellew.
  • Marketing — Best practices, case studies and practical tips for digital marketers, edited by Mike Driehorst.
  • Health Care — Analysis, insight and best practices for professionals and leaders in the health insurance, health care provider, health IT and life sciences spaces, edited by Melissa Turner.

Step 2: Make sure you read our editorial guidelines:

Each post needs to be 100% original and cannot have been published on other websites or print publications. Writers should fully disclose any and all past and present commercial relationships to companies and people mentioned in their post.

SmartBrief retains exclusivity of the post for 24 hours after it runs. After that, contributors and guest posters can repost on their personal blogs or websites with attribution to the original post.

Please obtain SmartBrief’s consent before reposting the content on a third-party site.

You’re welcome to link to your own social media profiles, your own blog or website, and other assets from your own business within your post, but SmartBrief reserves the right to remove third-party affiliate links.

Each post will be edited by SmartBrief. Edits may be made to adhere with SmartBrief’s style guidelines. We may also edit your post for length.

Your submission is subject to review by the SmartBrief editorial staff and does not guarantee automatic publication. By submitting your post to SmartBrief, you acknowledge and agree to adhere to our editorial guidelines and grant permission for a SmartBrief editor to edit your post.

Step 3: Craft a pitch explaining what you’d like to write about:

The best guest posts are written by authors who are passionate about their subject matter. Think about where your existing interests and expertise overlap with our coverage areas.

While SmartBrief editors are happy to help you refine an idea, your pitch is more likely to be successful if it is specific and tailored to our audience of experienced professionals.

Craft a one or two sentence summary of your post, along with a suggested headline.

Step 4: E-mail your pitch to the appropriate SmartBrief editor:

Education: Kanoe Namahoe at: knamahoe@smartbrief.com
Finance: Sean McMahon at: smcmahon@smartbrief.com
Leadership: Candace Chellew at: candace.chellew@futurenet.com
Food and Travel: Tricia Smith at: pcontreras@smartbrief.com
Marketing: Mike Driehorst at: mdriehorst@smartbrief.com
Health Care: Melissa Turner at: melissa.turner@smartbrief.com

Keep in mind that due to the volume of emails SmartBrief editors receive, it may take up to a week for you to receive a response.

Step 5: Craft your post:

Most of our posts are about 500 to 900 words long. The most successful posts have a light and breezy tone, but make their points quickly.

Include a short bio — between 35 to 45 words — at the bottom of the post. Your name, your organization and a recent accomplishment or two are great things to include. We’re happy to link to your website, Amazon book page or Facebook or Twitter account if you like. Just be sure to include all the necessary URLs when you turn in your post.

If applicable, we will add stock art to accompany your post. Feel free to submit a headshot or book-cover image, where relevant.

Step 6: Promote and engage

Look for SmartBrief to promote your content using a variety of social networks and email newsletters, but also feel free to share that link with your own network for maximum exposure. Your editor will coordinate a specific publication date with you and will send you a link to your post when it goes live.