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5 tactics to build customers’ trust

How retailers can leverage AI for personalized CX without losing customer trust.

5 min read

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Matt Whitmer
Whitmer (Mosaicx)

Research clearly illustrates the value consumers place on personalization. One report found that 84% of customers say being treated like a person – instead of a number – is crucial to winning their business. This isn’t confined to any one industry. From retail to finance to entertainment, every industry has benefited from personalization, fostering deeper engagement and significantly boosting satisfaction rates.

By harnessing AI’s power, businesses can create experiences that feel even more personalized. However, using data to personalize interactions requires companies to take steps to safeguard privacy and maintain customer trust. Let’s examine five key strategies businesses can employ to ensure that personalized customer experience goes hand in hand with a commitment to ethical data use and trustworthiness.

5 ways to build trust and respect customer privacy

1. Understand customer expectations and anticipate needs

Once upon a time, receiving personalized service meant a shopkeeper knew your name and perhaps even remembered your preferences. Fast-forward to the present, and personalization has scaled, powered by data collection and AI. Now more than ever, consumers increasingly desire emotional connections from brands. The good news is that this level of personalization offers businesses the potential to transform a routine shopping experience into something much more engaging – something that offers a deeper connection between customer and brand. This is one of the ways Starbucks became so popular. Despite their size, many baristas still remember customers’ names and orders.

This shift in expectations underscores the importance of understanding and anticipating customer needs. Businesses and brands can meet and exceed customer expectations by leveraging data to offer tailored experiences, fostering loyalty and trust. It’s about making every customer feel valued and remembered, much like the shopkeepers of old, but on a digital scale.

2. Employ advanced data collection techniques

To provide these personalized experiences, businesses must delve deeper into advanced data collection techniques. Successful personalization relies on capturing behavioral data and analyzing customer interactions to build a comprehensive profile.

Picture an ecommerce platform that tracks what customers buy and how they navigate the site, the time they spend on different pages and the products they view without purchasing. By analyzing this rich dataset, the platform can offer personalized recommendations, such as suggesting accessories that complement a recent purchase or alerting customers to a sale on items they’ve shown interest in. This data might come from anywhere, including social media, web analytics and even recorded phone calls with a virtual agent. But use caution. When customers think their devices are listening to their conversations, for example, they feel less inclined to buy your product or service.

3. Leverage AI for enhanced personalization

Picture a bustling contact center where AI and intelligent virtual agents integrate with human agents to provide top-notch support. By analyzing past interactions and preferences, IVAs can provide personalized responses and recommendations that align perfectly with individual needs.

With IVAs trained to use customer data to help handle routine queries, human agents are freed up to tackle more complex issues. It’s all about creating personalized and efficient customer interactions. 

4. Build clear, strong data privacy policies

Handling heaps of data means handling it with care. Businesses must prioritize transparency and obtain explicit consent from customers, ensuring they are aware of what data is being collected and how it will be used. Clear opt-in mechanisms and easy-to-understand privacy policies are crucial. 

Internally, educating employees on data privacy best practices is also vitally important – a well-informed team that follows best practices is your first line of defense against data mishandling. Regular audits and compliance checks are the final pieces of the puzzle, ensuring your practices align with evolving regulations and maintaining the integrity of your privacy framework.

5. Engage customers in the personalization process

Engaging customers in personalization is like inviting them to co-create their unique experience. By actively involving customers and seeking their input, businesses can tailor their offerings more precisely and build stronger relationships. IVAs can automate this process for retailers by interacting with customers in real time and asking about their style preferences and favorite brands during their first visit. The benefits here are twofold. From an operations standpoint, the IVA gathers valuable data efficiently. Customers also get to feel more engaged with the brand from the get-go.

Transparency and continuous dialogue are essential. Encourage customers to provide feedback on the personalization process and show them how their input directly influences the service they receive. Incorporate straightforward opt-in mechanisms that allow customers to make informed choices about their data. By fostering this two-way communication, businesses can enhance trust and loyalty, making customers feel like active participants in their personalized journeys.


Companies that prioritize data privacy and actively seek customer consent set themselves apart as trustworthy and reliable. Regularly reviewing and updating data practices to align with evolving customer expectations – not to mention regulations such as GDPR, CCPA and HIPAA – not only meets current demands but also lays a solid foundation for future growth. Embracing the power of personalized CX with a commitment to transparency and ethics cultivates lasting relationships that drive long-term success.