All Articles Education Edtech How AI tools are reinventing the role of educators

How AI tools are reinventing the role of educators

Chris Hess of Pearson shares five ways AI can help teachers, noting that, by 2026, AI tools could help US educators collectively save up to 3 million hours each week.

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(Andriy Onufriyenko via Getty Images)

Imagine a classroom where teachers can focus on connecting with their students, fostering creativity and inspiring a love for learning, free from the constraints of administrative duties. What if, instead of being burdened by lesson planning, grading and other routine tasks, educators could spend more time doing what they do best — teaching? This is where AI tools step in, not just for students but as a powerful ally for teachers.

SmartBrief Education Insights blurbHow can AI be leveraged to make their lives easier and amplify their impact in the classroom? As a former biology professor turned AI product developer for higher education, I’ve seen first-hand how AI can revolutionize education for students and our educators.

Reflecting on my teaching days, I recall the constant struggle to balance research, teaching and departmental responsibilities. This often left me feeling inadequate in one area or another — a sentiment many educators share. 

This is where AI tools can make a big difference

The time-saving potential of generative AI is staggering for teachers. Pearson’s recent Skills Outlook report estimates that by 2026, US educators could collectively save up to 3 million hours each week thanks to AI tools. Astounding, isn’t it? This need for efficient solutions is underscored by a recent Educause report, which found that 82% of faculty members who experienced significant burnout in the past year identified excessive workload as a major contributor. 

Teaching is among the most demanding yet fulfilling professions. However, balancing the myriad responsibilities — from grading and curriculum development to keeping up with the latest research — can be a constant challenge.

AI tools can alleviate burnout by automating labor-intensive tasks such as grading, attendance tracking and assignment development, reducing administrative burdens by up to 40%. Freed from paperwork and repetitive tasks, teachers can redirect their energy toward the human elements of education: building connections, mentoring students and bringing creative lessons to life. 

5 things AI tools can do for educators

From providing personalized recommendations to tracking student growth, here are five key ways AI can empower today’s overworked educators: 

  1. Automating administrative tasks. Generative AI tools can take over tasks like inputting grades, documenting attendance records and generating homework assignments or quizzes. Teachers are freed from these duties to focus on higher-level learning activities. AI assistants can also track student performance and identify potential gaps or areas for growth. 
  2. Tailoring teaching resources. Finding engaging, relevant teaching materials is time-consuming. AI assistants can rapidly research databases and curate recommendations tailored to each teacher’s needs and interests. An AI tool may suggest an interactive science lesson plan based on a teacher’s preference for hands-on activities. This saves prep time while allowing teachers to incorporate new techniques. 
  3. Enhancing professional development. Outside the classroom, AI can serve as a valuable partner for educators, offering professional development resources and collaborative insights. For instance, AI can curate personalized learning modules, recommend peer-reviewed articles and even facilitate virtual workshops, ensuring that teachers are continuously growing in their profession. It’s also a great opportunity to “check your work,” offering a great way to self-assess almost any work you create without having to line up a busy peer for assistance.
  4. Personalizing student instruction. AI systems can analyze assessment data to generate insights into each student’s strengths and weaknesses. Teachers can use this information to differentiate instruction based on individual learning styles and needs. For example, the AI assistant may point out that a student excels with visual components, prompting the teacher to incorporate more diagrams and videos.  
  5. Optimizing teaching strategies. AI can analyze teaching patterns and student outcomes to uncover trends and offer recommendations that complement a teacher’s strategy. For example, if data shows that students excel when interactive activities are incorporated, the AI assistant could recommend additional engaging resources or innovative teaching techniques that align with this strength. Imagine your AI assistant suggesting a “Math Karaoke” session where students sing their way through algebra—because who said equations can’t have rhythm?

Educators are the cornerstone of shaping future generations and fostering a society built on knowledge, empathy and critical thinking. By reducing administrative tasks, offering personalized support and leveraging high-quality content, AI tools can empower educators to dedicate more time and energy to what truly matters: their students. This not only amplifies their impact but helps create a sustainable work-life balance. 

Remember, AI isn’t here to replace teachers; it’s here to elevate their role and enhance their effectiveness. 

Opinions expressed by SmartBrief contributors are their own. 


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