All Articles Marketing Social Media What did social media users think about Nike's "Black and Tan" fiasco?

What did social media users think about Nike’s “Black and Tan” fiasco?

1 min read

Social Media

To Americans, a black and tan is an innocent (yet potent) drink that is usually made with an Irish beer, Guinness. In Ireland, however, the Black and Tans were a British paramilitary group that massacred civilians during the Irish Revolution. As a result, the Irish people were not happy about Nike’s choice to name its new trainer “Black and Tan,” and one politician even equated it to naming a U.S. sneaker “al-Qaida.” In this “Future of Engagement” episode, host Murray Newlands looks at what social media thought about the fiasco and people’s reactions to it.

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  • Nike was highly criticized on social media.
  • Marketers should research their local markets before naming products; this isn’t the first time this has happened.
  • Much of the coverage was on Facebook in the form of pictures.














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